Hello all and welcome to this section again.Today we are going to design a navigation with girly feel.As you know all pink thing is girly! ..
Step 01
First make a new layer with following settings
make a rectanlge which cover whole of the document with the help of rectangle tool(Shortcut”U”)and change its color to #fbfbfb
you will get the following image..
Step 02
Now again make a new layer and set its color to #ef4b6c
You will get the following image..
Step 03
Now again make a new layer and this time draw a rectangle which cover our menu halfly.like following image.
and set its color to white..
Step 04
Now you change the mode of this layer to “Hard mix mode” and opacity to 7%..
you will get the following image..
Step 05
Now again make a new layer and draw a elipse using eliptical tool ,Like following..
Now this layer blending settings by going on layer>blending option menu ot right click on layer in layer palatte and click on blending settings.If layer palatte is not visible hit “F7”
Gradient setting
Inner gradient settings
Step 06
After doing above settings you image look like followwing image
Now we have to tranform this layer and make it smaller elipse like following..
for transforming selct elipse layer then hit CTRL+T and make its small by dragging its endpoint toward center remember hold SHIFT while dragging to make it small constantly.
Step 07
Now change the color of our first shape layer of step 01 to make foreground more better.
change its color to #ffdee5.Following are the image status.
Now make a new layer and with the help of pen tool draw following shape remember after selecting pen tool select
marked icon from upper tab.
and draw following shape .
remember this is a vector path which act as a path for our ellipse layer..
Step 08
Now select our ellipse layer and place it at starting point of our path like following
again make a new layer and with the help of round rectangle tool make a thread like structure which is attached to ellipse layer
set its color to #a8a3a3
following are the zoomed preview.
Step 09
Now select both of this layers in layer palate for multiple selection hold CTRL while selecting after selecting right click and click on convert to smart object like following..
when it is convert to smart object both of the layer comes in one layer without any settings just like “cut image”
now duplicate this smart object by going on Layer>duplicate smart layer and place it own path like following..
After you got the above image delete that path..
Step 10
and again select all layer in layer palatte and convert it two smart object (one layer)
your image status
By doing this now we easy erase the elipse layer which overlap menu..
when you try to delete following image marked are the photoshop promt you to convert it to rasterize layer hit OK and erace unwanted portion..
Step 11
After doing above handy work you will got following image..
Now go to layer palatte and hide this layer like this.
and make a new text layer below this hidden layer..
and write the menu name simple and set its color to light pinkish white according to you.
You will get following image ..
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Photoshop brushs | Blen | pattern | stock | photoshop
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